Saturday, October 15, 2011

B-17 AMERICAN SUSPENTION Fork seal replacment

Here we have a hand built Chopper  with a S&S Sidewinder motor in it. Its got  A B-17 Mach 5 Suspension on it from American suspension

-One of The First things Your going to want to do is get the forkin things off the bike. there is an Allan clamp bolt on the back of the lower triple tree that needs to be loosened and then u can spin the whole fork out of the threads shown in the above picture
-From there your going to want to put your allan socket in an impact gun. and hold the  upper tube in your hand while you impact this cap off in reverse its regular threads.

- This stuff will basically fall out in you hand along with a bunch of 10 weight oil. top out spring a metal pip that lets the main spring contact that top cap.

Now if you have a B-17 suspension you will have this metal dust cap halfway down the tube. you will need to use two rubber strap wrenches to remove this cap twisting it off as lefty loosy.

Now i should have already said this but this job is in no way for the novice I consider myself to be a very good technician and this job took my 5 hours start to finish with a few breaks and having to make a few special tools.

that will be used for the next step

I used the one on the left as it was quicker to make  it held up just fine.

- When looking in the upper tube you will see a part where  that special tool will fit inside. You will need to put the axle in the fork and in a vise and use an impact on high to get the lower leg to separate.
from there its smooth sailing remove the  little key chain clip that will be right in front of you and pry out the seal don't be shy its a pain to get out.

Put it all back together use a plastic bag over the inner tube when reinstalling also a pain.
 ad 850 ml  and put it back in the bike.


Seriously this suspension is ridiculously simple therefor everything is a pain in the ass to get apart just take your time i was very concerned with the chrome finish so it took quite a bit longer than expected.

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